Deneholm Primary School

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School uniform is worn to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the Deneholm Community.

Our uniform can be ordered directly from My Clothing -

However we do also allow uniform which is purchased from other suppliers.

Indoor uniform

  • White shirt/blouse/polo T-shirt
  • Red sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper
  • Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress
  • White or grey socks/tights
  • Black shoes [not trainers]
  • For health, safety and hygiene, long hair should be tied back

Outdoor uniform

  • Warm coat/rain mac
  • Red fleece

In Summer

  • Boys can wear grey shorts and girls can wear red and white school dresses.
  • Sun hat

Please apply sun cream to your child as appropriate and send a water bottle every day, regardless of the weather.

PE Kit

  • White round necked T-shirt
  • Black PE shorts
  • Black plimsolls/trainers for outdoor use only
  • Tracksuit/sweatshirt/jogging bottoms [black preferably]

Please ensure that your child has his/her PE kit in school at all times. These will be sent home half-termly for you to wash them.


  • Book bag containing reading book and learning log
  • Plastic water bottles [fresh, still water only please]
  • Lunch box with still drink [no sweets or chocolates please]

You can find detailed information about our uniform policy here:Uniform Policy