Deneholm Primary School

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Admissions September 2025

Take the time to read Thurrock’s primary admissions brochure and then follow the instructions for applying. You must apply for your child's place at primary school between 1st November 2024- 15 January 2025. 

Reception New Intake Open Tours

Wednesday 20th November arrival between 1:30pm and 2:15pm

Thursday 21st November arrival between 9:00am and 9:45am

There will be a tour of our school by some of our pupils and members of the senior leadership team will be available for questions at the end.

There may be capacity to offer an after school tour at 4:30pm if there is enough demand. Please contact the main office directly to enquire.

Starting School for the first time

We have a comprehensive induction programme which runs throughout the summer term prior to the children joining our school in the following September.  Activities include:

  • Reception Induction Meeting for all reception parents to see the school and receive up to date information on the year ahead.
  • Story times and activity times for pupils and parents in the summer term before the children start.
  • Home visits by the Reception team prior to children starting school in September

Uniform Suppliers Link

Increase in PAN in years 3-5 with effect from week beginning 16.9.24

Following a decision by the Trust Board, the PAN will be increased in years 3-5 to 64 for the academic year 2024-25 with immediate effect.  There is no change to the admissions procedure or policy in managing over subscriptions.  Criteria remains the same.

Joining the school later on

Sometimes children join the school when the term has started or later on in their school life. We make every effort to make sure they feel welcomed and are looked after to ensure that their start is as smooth as possible and they quickly make friends and settle. Again, mid-year admissions are managed by Thurrock Council.

Moving on – transfer to secondary school

Children go on to secondary school in September following their eleventh birthday. Information can be found on Thurrock Council’s website.

Secondary School Admissions

A Virtual Tour of the School

Click on the links below to tour parts of the school:


School Hall

Front playground

Dinner Hall



Reception Part 1 

Reception Part 2 

Reception Part 3

Quiet Area

Admission Policy and Process

All parents who wish their children to attend our school must apply to Thurrock Council’s Admissions Department early in the year (a date is published) preceding the Academic Year that the child is due to be admitted into school. The Local Authority encourage applications to be made on the Thurrock Council Website:

Admissions during an academic year are called In-year admissions.  Applications forms and further details about in-year admission should be made directly to the local authority here:

Admissions to our school are in line with Thurrock Admission arrangements as set out in our admissions policy.


We commission the local authority to run our appeals service.  Please follow the link below for further information on the process.

Admissions Policies

DPS Admissions Policy 2024-25

School admissions | Thurrock Council

We hold a variety of open days for new admissions throughout the year, and will publish further information here once dates are confirmed.

Admissions Consultation

The admissions consultation for admissions in 2025 ran from 9 November to 21 December 2023 and has now closed.

There were no proposed changes to the current admissions arrangements and no comments or suggestions were received in response to the consultation.

The trustees agreed to proceed with the admissions arrangements presented in the consultation, in line with the current arrangements.

The final determined admissions arrangements will be published on the school’s website, in line with the Admissions Code requirement.

Details of the Admissions Consultation for 2025 admissions can be found here:
Admissions Consultation - Admissions in 2025