Deneholm Primary School

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Visions and Values  

Our mission at Deneholm Primary is to enable all children to reach their full potential; to be aspirational, respectful and motivated to do well in life.

Vision and Values

We focus on the children developing skills for learning as we believe these are essential skills for life.

We teach these skills explicitly then positively identify and value them as they develop.

  • Empathy
  • Aspiration
  • Resilience
  • Self-Confidence

Statement of Aims

The statement of aims is central in ensuring that Deneholm not only fulfils its mission but is a place where pupils want to be and where everyone actively aspires to the vision.

 At Deneholm we:

  • are warm and welcoming to every pupil
  • actively promote and follow school rules and routines
  • ensure that our environment is safe, comfortable and happy
  • encourage each child to develop positive attitudes, self-confidence and self-discipline
  • deliver a diverse, stimulating and innovative curriculum
  • appreciate and value everyone’s individuality and their contributions
  • promote an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
  • listen to pupils and encourage independence
  • encourage adults and pupils to speak to each other with mutual respect
  • support both pupil and each other’s well-being
  • have a clear leadership structure and work closely as a team
  • work in partnership with families and with other members of the local community